Friday, October 19, 2012

Sonnet LXXXIII: Eternal Life

If I think of Heaven ever,
I almost weep in my despair
at the thought of ends that never
are reached, horizons everywhere.
For all that I achieve will be
rivers filling up the oceans,
tail-devouring snakes my motions,
all journeys Möbius for me.
They make no sense, the things they say,
for how can Heaven be the way
they describe? Both peace and pleasure,
happiness combined with leisure—
you can’t have both, they’re opposite;
it’s peace I want, to rest, to quit.


Grace said...

This one is so well written. Don't believe everything everyone tells you about heaven... it's a myth that it will be all clouds and harps. I believe it will be anything you want- whether it's pleasure, peace, or neither.

Carol said...

Thank you, Grace. :)

Sorry about the comments--I have them set so I have to approve them in order for them to be posted... otherwise I get a whole bunch of Russian ads for face creams and stuff. XD

Grace said...

No problem. I didn't mean to send three of them... I thought it kept telling me I hadn't entered the "prove you're not a robot" words correctly and then realized that wasn't the case and that I'd sent it three times.